Now there are several waterfalls on Kelly Stand road in Arlington. I only name my waterfalls for the road they are on unless I know different. I know that this waterfall doesn't look like much in this photograph, but like all waterfalls if you catch it at the right time, say after a good rain, on when the snow is melting off the mountain I think you'll have a beauty. I took this one in the fall, we didn't have much rain this year.
Anyway once your on Kelly Stand Road it isn't too far along maybe about a mile or two, and it is on the left hand side of the road just before you go around a corner. As I recall it was over at least one bridge. So if you keep your eyes open you'll see it.
This is a great day trip I have been on this road a few times but never followed it all the way and when I did it was great! tons of photo taking opportunities there. Bring the family and make a day of it I say.
Here are a few more cascading waterfall pictures on the same road. Most are before you get to this one.
Here are a few more I took..

I have more pictures but I'll let you discover some of the waterfalls on this road for yourself.
By the way there is a waterfall off of this road called Lye Brook Falls, There is even a sign to it on the left. It's a pretty big waterfall from what I have seen in pictures, about 60' or so I believe. I haven't taken any myself yet, for a few reasons, one I haven't been there yet, and two it is a bit of a hike in from my understanding. I'll get some more info on it and post it as soon as I can.
Map to Kelly Stand Falls